Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco du Mayo race report

Last Saturday I raced in the long course of the Cinco du Mayo Duathlon. It was a 5k, 20 mile bike, and a 5k run. I was NERVOUS!
The running was no problem, but I literally pulled my bike down for the hooks in the garage, filled the tires, and raced. Not really an ideal situation when you actually want to do well at something. Oh well I guess, not much I could do about that. I really really need a road bike. My poor bike is about 12 years old, still works, but it wasn't great.
I just signed myself up for the TriFitness triathlon club which meant I got to have my bike in the tri clubs designed area. It was nice to chat with a few members that I'll hopefully get to train with over the summer. It definitely calmed my nerves to hang out and talk before the race.
The first 5k went really well, I ran just over 8 minute mile pace, which felt pretty hard, the course was hilly! The 20 mile bike was very hilly and hard! I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, I probably should have checked out the courses elevation. It was pretty brutal, I wished for bike shoes and a road bike about 50 times while I was out there. You basically bike a 10 mile square around a lake twice, The second half of that 10 miles was WINDY. I felt like a sail. I was slow, I felt like I was going as fast as I could but I just didn't have the equipment or the skill to do any better. It was a bit frustrating. I just kept reminding myself that I'm lucky to be able to just hop on a bike and ride for 20 miles because a lot of people aren't able to do that. I believe I was the second slowest 20 mile biker out there. Oh well, at least I know next time I can improve.
The final run wasn't stellar, I forget how hard it is to get your legs back after biking for an hour and a half. It took till about the 1.5 mile turn around till I felt like I was running again. My right foot was completely numb for 2 miles, it was really annoying and weird. My second 5k ended up being about 9 min per mile pace. Not stellar but I was able to pass a few people so I was happy with that.
Overall it wasn't an awesome race, but I'm happy I did it, it can only go up from here!
My final time was 2:25.57.

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