Monday, February 16, 2009

What a day

Mad is really excited, her favorite nascar driver, Matt Kenseth, just won the Dayton 500. We blame her obsession with the sport on her wonderful uncle. He has an unhealthy obsession with driving around in circles. Although the race was right during nap time and she was only able to nap for half hour she was quite the trooper.

The second photo is of her wrestling with her uncle.

My little Rock Star

Mad has found her calling

Potty Training Start up

It's begun, Mad is almost 18 months so we figured we'd at least pull out the potty chair and get her used to it. She actually been successful a few times, more luck than anything, but exciting all the same. For the most part she just loves being able to run around the house with her tush hanging out. Before bed she sits on the potty and brushes her teeth, I can't believe how grown up my baby is getting.

Monday, February 2, 2009

dog at heart

Mad has this crazy obsession with our dogs food and water, we have to keep it out of her reach or she'll spend all day playing with Kali's food, and trying to swim in her water dish. Just the other day she packed both the food and water into the living room without spilling a drop. She then proceeded to put her face in the water and drink it. She really is a dog at heart.