Thursday, October 11, 2012

TC Marathon Race Recap

4 days post marathon and I feel almost back to normal! Getting antsy to start training again. Gonna start some crossfit workouts next week and hopefully throw in some rollerskiing and running as well. Gotta start birkie and xc ski training!
Best marathon time since 2003. When I was a lot younger and without children. I still believe I can beat my PR but it wasn't in the cards for Sunday. I felt great though out the whole race, had some minor aches and pains but nothing that made me slow down too much. I held a pretty consistent per mile pace around 8:45-9:30 throughout the whole race.
It was really nice to have someone to sit and chat with pre-race in the Metrodome, which definitely kept the jitters at bay, so thanks for that Shelley! You kicked butt and I'm so happy you were there to start with me! I started far in the back which was a little annoying because I was dodging people left and right, but it was also  probably a good thing to keep my pace in check. I have a tendency to start out too fast.
I ended up catching up to another friends around mile 11 and stayed with her till around 18 where she stopped to use the bathroom, I was hoping she'd catch back up so we could help each other finish this thing but I knew I couldn't slow up because I was already cutting my time goal pretty close. Thank you Kristie for helping me along on my least favorite miles, 13-20! I kept trucking along, I was so happy to see the bridge crossing into St Paul! As much as I was happy to be on my home turf I still was dreading the long gradual uphills and Summit Ave, which after running 20 some miles seems to last FOREVER!
I felt really strong on those hills though, I was passing people left and right, and the streets were lined with people cheering. It was amazing. Last time I ran this race in 2008 it poured rain for the first half of the race, and I was amazing with how many people were out cheering that day, but it was nothing compared to yesterday. I love the spectators, the signs, the kids! I hope you all know how great you all are and how much we all needed you! Thank you! Especially thanks to all my friends that made it out to cheer, I didn't get to see you all but I appreciate you all so much.
I passed mile 23 with 30 minutes to spare to break 4 hours. So I pushed the pace as much as I could, I just kept telling myself that my mind is stronger than my body, and that all the pain was in my head. And that 3 miles is nothing! My legs kept protesting but I blocked it out as much as I could, I topped the hill near the cathedral and could see the finish line and I just tried to fly down the hill as fast as I could. With .2 miles left I looked at my watch and had 2 minutes to go. I kicked it into another gear and hoped for the best. I stopped my watch at 3.59.36 and almost started crying, I DID IT! Finally after almost a decade I broke 4 hours again!
Someday I'll break my PR too!
But now it's on to training for the Birkie, and hopefully breaking some other goals along the way.
I just turned 31 and feel amazing, life is good!
Down the hill to the finish! 

Flying towards the finish. 

Post race war wound.
All done and Happy!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

TC Marathon

So the big race is Sunday!! I've been looking forward to this since I signed up for it back in I don't know, March? Training has been long, hard, and for most of the summer insanely HOT, but I feel well prepared, and about 85% healthy so I'm confident I can have the race I want.
My time goal? 1st to break 4 hours, I've done it before but it's been since 2003. 2nd goal is to PR, which I also did back in 2003 with a time of 3:48.40. So ultimately I'd love to run a 3:45. It's going to be COLD at the start, 30 something degrees, I'll take that over super hot any day but I haven't trained much in the cold so we'll see what challenges that brings. It made my outfit selection a little rough since I've had my outfit picked out since June.
If you're going to be out there on Sunday, and if you live anywhere in the Metro area I hope you are, this is what I'm going to look like for the majority of the race. I plan to start with a white long sleeve shirt that I hope to throw away around miles 6-10. So look for me! And cheer loud! All those runners out there appreciate it so much, and we need it!
The skirt is from Team Sparkle, on loan until after the race. So if nothing else look for the pink sparkle skirt!
Just so you all don't worry I will also be wearing a headband and gloves, I do not need frostbitten fingers again!
Good luck to all those running and have so much fun out there!