Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness

hey guys,

sorry i haven't posted anything in awhile, once again life has gotten away from me. It's crazy how quickly the days go by these days.

here's a quick list of what i've been up to lately:

~running; I run 2 or 3 days a week of a treadmill, blah! i freaking hate that treadmill, I cannot wait to run outside. I know there's plenty of die hards that run outside in the winter, I've been there and done plenty of that. However, I don't think Madison would enjoy the crisp air as much as I pretend to. Anyways, I've decided to run the Stillwater Half Marathon on May 24, since the days are longer and the weather is looking more springlike, I'll need to get my butt in gear and step up the training.

~babysitting; I'm still babysitting 2 or 3 days a week. That's going well, it's pretty easy, E is a peach and Mad is so sweet to him, she'll make a very good big sister (when that time comes.)

~work; I work 3 or 4 days a week, which actually keeps me relatively sane, I definitely need my time away from the house. Mad is getting more and more actively every day and it's really hard to keep up with her after awhile. Thank goodness the weather is getting nicer so I can just throw her outside for a few hours. I can't wait for those summer days where I can sit and read while she plays in her pool.

~socializing; bah, who am I kidding, I don't have much of a social life anymore. Mad is definitely at that stage where she will not sit in a high chair to save her life. Going out to a restaurant is NO fun! Especially since she's already to the tantrum stage, if she doesn't get her way she definitely makes it known, by screaming and throwing a huge fit. Oh the joys!

But seriously, life is good. Things are good. Can't wait for all the joys of summer, running, BBQing, softball, camping, swimming, etc.....

I'll try to be good and be more on the ball about posting.....