I have to start out by saying that I was given this nickname by my husbands BFF from HS, whom we refer to as "Slapshot" so take it all with a grain of salt. Because I'm not the one that broke a girls hand with his crazy shot, but that's an entirely different story.
I'm an extremely competitive person, I HATE losing, I'm serious, even at something as simple as cards or video games, I don't take it very well. I have to admit that I'm somewhat of a sore loser.... I don't mind it so much in actual events, like running. But I have been know to throw darts when things don't go my way, in my defense I may have been a little drunk at the time, and it was awhile ago. Pre mommy hood, I know better now. ;)
Broomball is basically field hockey on ice. Super fun but there's a lot of slipping, sliding, and lots of falling involved and since I always give 110% I'm all over the place. Between the months of November and February I'm covered in bruises and loving every minute of it.
I believe I received the generous nickname because I won't put up with these huge hockey player like guys trying to push people around, especially girls, not cool. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm meager and can't hold my own on the ice. Because I can, I'll run right around you and shove you into the board if I must (which techically isn't allowed but c'est la vie).
I grew up playing sports with guys and not taking there shit, so I believe the nickname is pretty appropriate. I kind of enjoy games where the guys think the women are just there because it's a coed league and they have to have women. It doesn't take them long to figure out that I'm not just a spot filler, and they actually have to play defense against me.
Sports are good for the soul, especially when you have a lot of pent up aggression from being passive-aggressive your whole life.
Sounds like my days of indoor soccer!!!!
Go get em tiger!!
Have you seen the movie Slapshot? I don't know why, but it's one of my favorites. "Old time hockey, Coach. Just like Eddy Shore." :)
You crack me up. I'd love to bring the boys to watch you play sometime. Have I told you they call Maddy, "Cowgirl," still from Halloween?
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