Wednesday, January 28, 2009


seriously i have really good intentions to blog, then i find myself watching tv, or sleeping, or Mad chasing, or broomball playing, or working.

it's been a busy month, every weekend seems to be full of broomball tournaments, family get togethers, parties with friends, and lots and lots of work. This is how an average week goes....

Sunday~work 6-2 pm
Monday~work 5-9 am
Tuesday~nanny 7-5 pm
Wednesday~nanny 7-5 pm
Thursday~OFF, broomball at night
Friday~OFF, OFF, OFF
Saturday~work 7-2 pm

I guess on paper it doesn't really look that bad, especially if you don't have kids and once you're done with work you can just chill out. Unfortunately my 17 month old isn't too fond of letting me sit around, cause when i do she's probably putting toilet paper in the toilet water and then sucking the water from the tp (yuck, i know). Or she's pulling all the books of the bookshelf, or eating the dog food, or trying to swim in the dog water, or trying to climb in the bathtub and helping herself to a bath.

I'm nannying two days a week for a 3 month old, it's a lot of work with Mad around. She's really cute because she tries so hard to be helpful. When he cries she tries to get him to drink from her sippy cup, she pushes him in his swing, she tries to pick him up (he weighs 14 pounds, Mad weighs 20). She tries to sit on him about 10 times a day. I feel more like a referee than a babysitter. He really loves her though, even after she tries to poke out his eyes.

That last pictures just because she's adorable and cracks me up every day.


Sara H. said...

Wow. You are busy.


You poor thing. Aren't you exhausted? Those pics are super cute. Maddy would make a great big sis. *wink* *wink*