Saturday, October 6, 2012

TC Marathon

So the big race is Sunday!! I've been looking forward to this since I signed up for it back in I don't know, March? Training has been long, hard, and for most of the summer insanely HOT, but I feel well prepared, and about 85% healthy so I'm confident I can have the race I want.
My time goal? 1st to break 4 hours, I've done it before but it's been since 2003. 2nd goal is to PR, which I also did back in 2003 with a time of 3:48.40. So ultimately I'd love to run a 3:45. It's going to be COLD at the start, 30 something degrees, I'll take that over super hot any day but I haven't trained much in the cold so we'll see what challenges that brings. It made my outfit selection a little rough since I've had my outfit picked out since June.
If you're going to be out there on Sunday, and if you live anywhere in the Metro area I hope you are, this is what I'm going to look like for the majority of the race. I plan to start with a white long sleeve shirt that I hope to throw away around miles 6-10. So look for me! And cheer loud! All those runners out there appreciate it so much, and we need it!
The skirt is from Team Sparkle, on loan until after the race. So if nothing else look for the pink sparkle skirt!
Just so you all don't worry I will also be wearing a headband and gloves, I do not need frostbitten fingers again!
Good luck to all those running and have so much fun out there!

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