Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ragnar Relay with some BAMRs

My favorite mother runners over at Another Mother Runner have a contest going for a Ragnar Relay event in Washington DC over my birthday weekend. I'll be turning 32 on October 3rd and I can't really think of anything I'd rather do than spend a full day running with them and the other winners of the contest.
I wanted to list 32 reasons why I should win but to limit the word count I'll just list 21. Because we all know how awesome it is to turn 21. Hello, legal! Alcohol!

  1. I love to run!
  2. I've been running for as long as I can remember, my love has gone up and down over the years but today it's as strong as it's ever been. 
  3. I've been a tomboy my whole life, only in the last two years have I embraced running skirts, sparkle skirts, and hot pink. Now you can rarely find me out there running without a skirt on. So I'd really rock a tutu on race day!
  4. I love mother runners! I never really had many girl friends growing up. It took having children for me to really understand the definitely of a best girl friend, and to realize how important they are. 
  5. The ragnar relay is on my bucket list. I've accomplished a lot of running type goals in the last few years, triathlon, duathlon, tough mudder, but I have yet to do a long distance relay. 
  6. I have two beautiful girls that I could talk your ear off about. What better place to rave about your children than with other mothers!
  7. I'm a professional drinker. Well, ok, not really. But I am the president of our homebrew club and I am a certified beer judge. I can teach you all about beer in the middle of the night. 
  8. I've never been to DC and would love to see it!
  9. I give great hugs!
  10. I also give great ass slaps...
  11. My nickname is Tapper, in college they would call me Ass Tap, because of the above reason. 
  12. I love a good challenge. 
  13. I love to eat, the best part of running so much is you can pretty much eat whatever and whenever you want. 
  14. Train Like a Mother is my go to training plan, it helped me break 4 hours at the TC Marathon in 2012. 
  15. Run Like a Mother helped me find new motivation when I was in a serious slump. 
  16. I want to hear all about Dimity's soon to be Ironman accomplishments. Another bucket list item of mine. 
  17. I am passionate about all I do. What's the point of doing something if you're not going to give it your all?
  18. I once got lost on a run, 12 miles into a run I realized I was still 12 miles from home, I had to borrow bus money from a guy at a church. 
  19. Someday I want to be on survivor, I could really rock those challenges!
  20. I strive to be as dedicated to a training plan as Sarah!
  21. I'm a badass mother runner that is hardcore, awesome, and fun!

And really the #1 reason why I should win. Because it's my birthday!!
So come on, Sarah and Dimity, could you give me my birthday wish!?!


Laurie said...

Great list of reasons - hope you are chosen!

Terri said...

Talking beer, in the middle of the night, on route to DC - your team will love you! Good Luck!