Thursday, November 8, 2012


I feel like I'm stuck, this in between seasons thing is taking a tough toll on me. I'm having a really hard time finding the motivation to wake up at 5 AM to go run, when it's cold and dark, and I'm really not training for anything at the moment. I have ski races coming up in February and hopefully before that as well, and I know I need to keep my endurance up. I'm just having issues getting my butt out there. 
I have been doing a lot of strength training and crossfit type workouts, so I feel strong but I MUST start running and rollerskiing. Starting this weekend!
If anyone wants to buy me a new or used treadmill I'd love you forever. As much as I hate running on the treadmill at least I could be in my nice warm basement watching DVRed shows and cranking out a few miles!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

TC Marathon Race Recap

4 days post marathon and I feel almost back to normal! Getting antsy to start training again. Gonna start some crossfit workouts next week and hopefully throw in some rollerskiing and running as well. Gotta start birkie and xc ski training!
Best marathon time since 2003. When I was a lot younger and without children. I still believe I can beat my PR but it wasn't in the cards for Sunday. I felt great though out the whole race, had some minor aches and pains but nothing that made me slow down too much. I held a pretty consistent per mile pace around 8:45-9:30 throughout the whole race.
It was really nice to have someone to sit and chat with pre-race in the Metrodome, which definitely kept the jitters at bay, so thanks for that Shelley! You kicked butt and I'm so happy you were there to start with me! I started far in the back which was a little annoying because I was dodging people left and right, but it was also  probably a good thing to keep my pace in check. I have a tendency to start out too fast.
I ended up catching up to another friends around mile 11 and stayed with her till around 18 where she stopped to use the bathroom, I was hoping she'd catch back up so we could help each other finish this thing but I knew I couldn't slow up because I was already cutting my time goal pretty close. Thank you Kristie for helping me along on my least favorite miles, 13-20! I kept trucking along, I was so happy to see the bridge crossing into St Paul! As much as I was happy to be on my home turf I still was dreading the long gradual uphills and Summit Ave, which after running 20 some miles seems to last FOREVER!
I felt really strong on those hills though, I was passing people left and right, and the streets were lined with people cheering. It was amazing. Last time I ran this race in 2008 it poured rain for the first half of the race, and I was amazing with how many people were out cheering that day, but it was nothing compared to yesterday. I love the spectators, the signs, the kids! I hope you all know how great you all are and how much we all needed you! Thank you! Especially thanks to all my friends that made it out to cheer, I didn't get to see you all but I appreciate you all so much.
I passed mile 23 with 30 minutes to spare to break 4 hours. So I pushed the pace as much as I could, I just kept telling myself that my mind is stronger than my body, and that all the pain was in my head. And that 3 miles is nothing! My legs kept protesting but I blocked it out as much as I could, I topped the hill near the cathedral and could see the finish line and I just tried to fly down the hill as fast as I could. With .2 miles left I looked at my watch and had 2 minutes to go. I kicked it into another gear and hoped for the best. I stopped my watch at 3.59.36 and almost started crying, I DID IT! Finally after almost a decade I broke 4 hours again!
Someday I'll break my PR too!
But now it's on to training for the Birkie, and hopefully breaking some other goals along the way.
I just turned 31 and feel amazing, life is good!
Down the hill to the finish! 

Flying towards the finish. 

Post race war wound.
All done and Happy!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

TC Marathon

So the big race is Sunday!! I've been looking forward to this since I signed up for it back in I don't know, March? Training has been long, hard, and for most of the summer insanely HOT, but I feel well prepared, and about 85% healthy so I'm confident I can have the race I want.
My time goal? 1st to break 4 hours, I've done it before but it's been since 2003. 2nd goal is to PR, which I also did back in 2003 with a time of 3:48.40. So ultimately I'd love to run a 3:45. It's going to be COLD at the start, 30 something degrees, I'll take that over super hot any day but I haven't trained much in the cold so we'll see what challenges that brings. It made my outfit selection a little rough since I've had my outfit picked out since June.
If you're going to be out there on Sunday, and if you live anywhere in the Metro area I hope you are, this is what I'm going to look like for the majority of the race. I plan to start with a white long sleeve shirt that I hope to throw away around miles 6-10. So look for me! And cheer loud! All those runners out there appreciate it so much, and we need it!
The skirt is from Team Sparkle, on loan until after the race. So if nothing else look for the pink sparkle skirt!
Just so you all don't worry I will also be wearing a headband and gloves, I do not need frostbitten fingers again!
Good luck to all those running and have so much fun out there!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 Running Related Q & A

About 6 months ago I came across a great book and running community. I can't even remember where I first found them but I am so happy I did. Sarah and Dimity are very inspiring people, and there blog posts are great; funny and inspiring. Being a mother is hard, trying to be an athlete or a runner, or just trying to keep yourself in shape and sane, is even harder. They make it easier, they make you feel like you're part of a community of people that care about you. When my alarm goes off at 4:30/5 AM all I have to do is think about the book, there blog, or them out running at the same time and it gets me out of bed.
So thank you, you have inspired me and kept me going when I want to stop. I can't wait to see you in 3 short weeks at the TC Marathon!

They asked mother runners to post answers to these 10 questions. So I'm playing along, feel free to do the same!

1. Best run ever: I have been running since I was 10 so this is a pretty loaded question. One of my favorite runs was back when I was a freshman in college. I had 3 floormates that I would run with at 6:30 AM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We went out for a run (I don't even remember the distance) and it was POURING, I'm talking water dripping in my eyes so I could barely see. It was a blast, all I remember is splashing in puddles and pushing each other under waterfalls off of roofs. Who knew running in the rain could be so much fun. Ironically a recent training run comes in at a close second. I ran 18 miles in a complete downpour. It didn't stop raining the whole 3 hours I was out running. I guess I must really love to run in the rain. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" right?!

2. Three words that describe my running: freeing, fun, me

3. My go-to running outfit is: skirt sport running skirt, tank top, sunglasses, asic running shoes.
after a very HOT 12 miles

4. Quirky habit while running: I don't really think I have one. I never run with music, don't use a GPS, but must have sunglasses. I rarely run without my dog, Kali (she's trained through 4 marathons with me.)
5. Morning, midday, evening: morning, early, too early. I wish I could run at 7 AM every morning especially now that it doesn't get light out until about then. Unfortunately I need to start by about 5 AM.

6. I won’t run outside when it’s: It would have to be pretty bad. I don't own a treadmill and don't have a gym membership so outside it is. I've ran in negative temps, pouring raining, etc. If you ask me it makes me feel alive to get out there. How much more badass can you get by getting out there in rough weather.

7. Worst injury—and how I got over it: IT band issues plagued me through my first marathon but since then I've been pretty lucky. I'm pretty smart about not overdoing it.

8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when: Anytime really. Most of my friends think I'm crazy for running and training as much as I do so just hearing there responses when they hear about my training makes me feel pretty kick ass. I just love getting out there and sweating, and hurting, and pushing through it.The most badass I have ever felt was probably after the Tough Mudder.

9. Next race is: Twin Cities Marathon (part 2!) I'm so excited to run this again, and hopefully get to run with Sarah along the way! City of Lakes Loppet and then the Birkie (XC ski races) follow that, and then Tough Mudder again in July!!! Most fun event I have ever done.

10. Potential running goal for 2013: More triathlons! My goal is Ironman Wisconsin in 2014, and if that doesn't work out it will definitely be Half Ironman Boise in 2014.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

summertime craziness

I'm busy, that is all I can really say about my life right now. BUSY!
Summers are always busy in the Kutzke household but this summer has been even crazier than normal.
I became the Minnesota State Fair Homebrew Competition Organizer which occupied pretty much half of July and all of August. We were on vacation for a lot of June so as soon as we got back from Oregon and Washington I went straight to work with that. Plus on top of that I've been running my own daycare, training for my 6th marathon, and I just completed my first triathlon.
It's been a whirlwind. I enjoy being busy and I especially enjoy training and doing new things, but I'm really looking forward to taking a bit of a break. Granted as soon as my marathon is over I have the City of Lakes Loppet and Birkie to get ready for. And I just signed up for the Tough Mudder again which is taking place in July. And I plan on doing at least 2 or 3 more triathlons next summer as well.
Who am I kidding, I'll rest when I'm dead.

I need to post about my triathlon, it was a great time and I have so much room for improvement it will be fun to work on my weaknesses over the winter (namely SWIMMING!)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tough Mudder 2012 Part 3

Sorry for the delay, it's been a crazy few weeks. I can't believe that it's already June and we are leaving on vacation in 9 short days.

So we left off crawling over the last Berlin Wall. It took quite a bit of time to get over those two monsters. We rounded a couple corners and I could see a big group of people ahead and started to make out the "Electric Eel." This obstacle definitely got my heart pumping. Having to crawl on your belly with electric wires dangling inches from your head is definitely SCARY! I got as low as I could get and swam through the mud, I made it through without getting zapped. People all around me were getting hit, you could hear the zap followed by a scream. That made it the obstacle even scarier!

Next up was "Boa Constrictor." Not too hard except for you have to put your face in the murky mud water in order to get in and out of the tunnels. It took quite awhile to get the mud out of my teeth and my eyes.

We ran for quite awhile before clearing all the trees and making out way back towards the stadium area. "Everest" in all its glory was ahead! The only bad thing about starting in the first wave is there aren't that many people to help you up and over the hard stuff. There were about 5 people at the top and bottom. I attempted the half pipe 3 times and literally was fingertips away all 3 times. It was pretty frustrating not being able to get over it but it just wasn't going to happen today. It sure was fun trying though!
Our friend, KP broke his hand a week before the event and STILL did it!

What a difference a few hours makes. Much easier to get up with more help!

A few short steps later was "Funky Monkey" followed by "Twinkle Toes." Of course they need to put the obstacles that take a lot of strength and coordination at the end, when you're tired and completely covered in slippery mud. Lets just say I did a lot of swimming.

Next was "Walk the Plank," A 15 foot drop into the water followed by a swim. Standing at the top is scary so I just went for it. The more you think about it the scarier it gets!

Finally, the obstacle that we were all waiting for, "Electroshock Therapy!" I didn't even hesitate, I just made a mad dash for the other side. I got hit twice in the shoulder, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. My foot definitely felt funny where the electricity exited my body though.

We all high-fived and headed around the corner, there was the finish line! With a lot of fist pumping and cheering we crossed the line!! We are TOUGH MUDDERS and I couldn't be more proud!

Such a fun day, seriously I can't speak highly enough about how amazing this event is! I can't wait to do it all over again

After warming myself up because I was FREEZING! We're talking purple lips and knees, uncontrollable shaking cold. We went back out to watch Everest, and the remaining obstacles. It was just as fun to watch others doing the course as it was to do it myself!

My team for next year has increased in size from just me to at least 10 people and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tough Mudder 2012 Part 2

I forgot to mention that as I stood in the starting gate with my fellow soon to be mudders I was eyeing everyone up trying to find someone to run it with. Since it's suppose to be all about teamwork and camaraderie I really wanted to find someone or a team to run the whole race with. I was standing by 3 women and one guy that were all doing it together. The looked to be about my age and seemed like fun, so I was trying to work up the nerves to say something to them but I never did.

Then we started running and I think I told one of those girls, "good luck, have fun." And she asked me if I was running it alone and told me to join her team, YAY, 2 steps out of the gate I have a team. I knew it was going to be a good day right there! We introduced ourselves, I was running with "Whiskey Wisdom," Josey, Casey, Kara, and Tom all from Madison/Milwaukee area.

So we ran for about half mile over pretty easy rolling grassy terrain, I knew from the spectator map (if it was right) that our first obstacle would be the "Arctic Enema." This is the one obstacle that I was NOT looking forward too.  Sure enough we rounded a corner and there was the dumpster full of ICE CUBES and water. Holy shit this thing just got real! I climb right into that dumpster, waded through the ice, felt for the bottom of the board I had to go under, took a few deep breaths and went for it. Coming up on the other side you feel like you can't breathe. I climbed onto the side of the dumpster to try to catch my breath and then climbed out. Obstacle #1 done!

Well that was fun, what's next? I couldn't feel my feet at all but we started jogging right away to try to get some blood back into our bodies. Not too far in the distance I could see the next obstacle, "Bale Bonds." We climbed our way over approximately 10 foot high hay bales and kept on running. Well that wasn't too bad, with plenty of friendly handing helping you over you feel like you can do anything. #2 Easy!

after coming out of the trenches.

two of my adopted teammates in blue.
Before too long we came upon some small tunnels that we'd need to crawl through, "Trench Warfare." Hopefully no one is claustrophobic because it's dark and pretty small in there. This is definitely one of the easier obstacles but we're finally muddy!! Somewhere around this time we passed mile 1 and maybe even 2. My family also got to see me here, that was great. My kids were so funny, they loved seeing momma get muddy!

We ran up a few hills and back out onto the flats. After a quick water stop we could see "Kiss of Mud" ahead. This is the obstacle where you REALLY get muddy. You need to crawl on your belly under barbed wire about 8 inches off the ground. I basically swam my way through without really even using my legs. That muddy water is chilly! I got significantly more dirty and was smiling the whole way through. This is really starting to get FUN!  

Now my memory of which obstacle came where is a little cloudy. I remember the beginning and end pretty well and the middle miles are so full of twist and turns I'm probably going to get a few of them out of order. I remember all of them but just not to order. Anyways,

Next we climbed over the "Spiders Web" and "Berlin Wall." On tired legs and covered in mud it's hard to climb up and over anything. But with help from my team and fellow mudders we were able to get it done.

The "Mud Mile" came next. This was one of the most fun obstacles. Up huge muddy hills, down the other side into a mud pit and do it again about 6 times. We tried to go slow but I slide down one of those hills like a water slide and ended up on my knees in the muddy water on the other side. And of course my knee found a big rock. War wound #1 Check!

The next few miles were obstacle free but full of hills, stumps, and fallen trees. And my socks were filled with mud, rocks, and who knows what else. I had a feeling I'd have a few blisters when this day was done.

Next up was "Hanging Tough" I knew there wasn't much of a chance of me getting across this but I figured I'd attempt it. I did, huge splash in the water! At least the water wasn't that cold!

We crawled under "Devil's Beard" and then made our way up to "Hold your Wood." This part is kind of a nice breather, since there was no way we'd be running carrying a stump a quarter mile.

Next on the obstacle checklist was "Jesus Walk" A huge mud pit that claimed many victims with it's hidden holes. I followed someone that took a good path and I didn't receive a mud facial.

After making our way up "Cliffhanger" we encountered another, ever bigger "Berlin Wall." This wall you need help getting up and getting down (at least if you're under 6 ft or don't have superhuman upper body strength.)

At this point we were probably 8 miles into the course and still going strong. My right foot was HURTING. I kept trying to dig out mud but couldn't get far enough down without taking off my shoe, which I was not going to do. I figured I was around 8 miles I could make it the rest of the way. I was welcoming obstacles now since it took my mind off my blister.

The upcoming obstacles promise to be great!
the 3 ladies I ran with in the black tank, blue tank, and blue shirt.

having so much fun!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tough Mudder 2012 Part 1

As I sit here soaking my right foot, attempting to get rid of the infected blister I received from running 11.5 miles with mud and rocks in my sock I figured I'd write my race report.

It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been running at least 4-5 days a week, anywhere from 3-6 miles for the last few months. It's been such a beautiful spring it's been easy to get out there to work out. I tried to do a lot of push ups, pull-ups, and attempted the monkey bars ever time I was at a playground to get ready for all the upper body strength required to complete the TM course.

If you have never heard of the Tough Mudder it's an adventure race that claims to be the "Toughest Event on the Planet." All I know is it's definitely the hardest and most mentally demanding thing I've ever done. The running is easy, the obstacles take everything out of you. It's truly life changing.

I found out about this event last fall, I think there was an ad on my facebook page and it looked intriguing. As soon as I read about it I knew I had to do it. I've always wanted to do an adventure race, I almost did the Warrior Dash a few times but I was always busy when it was scheduled for. When I found out that the TM was coming to the Twin Cities I signed up to receive an email when registration opened. I emailed a bunch of women hoping they would want to do the race with me, no one bit, so I signed up alone. Looking back on it I should have just signed Tony up for it as well, he would have done it with me no question and would have been a great partner in crime. I think I was thinking that he wouldn't want to spend the money.

Day of the event I was insanely nervous, now I've done hundreds of running races, I get nervous for those too, however running races I know what to expect. Run 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, etc as fast as I can get my body to move, start to finish. This event I had no idea what to expect. I knew the general obstacles and distance, but there's no way to prepare for freezing water, barbed wire, tunnels, 12 ft walls, and electricity. I didn't know if I'd panic, freeze up, freak out, etc. The unknown is scary. They say to do one thing every day that scares you, well I think the TM should count for about 3 weeks.

In order to get to the start you need to climb over a 4 ft wall, I attempted and failed, Tony had to boost me over. That made me even more nervous, seriously I can't get over one little wall? How am I going to be able to handle the rest of this course? Good things this race is all about camaraderie and teamwork.

The MC for the race does a 10 minute pump you up session. He does this every weekend at every TM in the US, he is amazing! I can't tell you exactly what he said, I was taking a lot of deep breaths just to keep the tears in (nervous = tears for me.)
We did a lot of HOO-RAHS and other chants and I was ready to get this thing started!
After a very beautiful national anthem we were off!
About to head over the start wall.

Attempting the wall, Tony came to help after he took this picture.


Let's Do This!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

American Birkiebeiner Race Report

Birkie #4 is officially in the books. I am happy about how well it went on how little training I had under me. It was painful, which I knew it would be. Those hills destroyed me and I was cramping pretty bad by the end. But it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I could feel my fingers! That is huge since last year I got pretty bad frostbite on a few fingers. There's nothing like waking up to 13 degrees compared to -13 from the year before. I knew it would be a great day, I wasn't expecting much from my body but I was able to push the pace a bit, of course I'm super competitive so I would have loved to beat some more people but I couldn't get my body to go any faster so can't really complain about that. I doubt I'll be able to move up a wave but hopefully that motivates me for next year to really get my butt in gear and train properly.
So now that the Birkie is done I'm excited to try my hand at swimming and triathlons. And of course there's the Tough Mudder, May 19 that I need to get running and strength training for. I hope to sign up for the Get in Gear 5 km with the family April 28.
So my official Birkie results are below, I wish I could have kept up the 4:39 pace over the middle kilometers but I was a hurting unit. This will give me motivation for next year.

Participant Details
Event: Birkebeiner Skate
Bib # 5527
Age: 30
Gender: F
City, State, Nation WI, St Paul, USA
25 Percent Club: NO
Finish Line Results
Finish Time: 3:57:31.5
Overall Place: 2399 out of 3738 in Birkebeiner Skate.
Gender Overall Place: 348 out of 708 in Birkebeiner Skate Women
Age Group Place: 32 out of 80 in Women 30 to 34
Overall Pace: 4:44 per K
Split Results
Split Distance Overall
Division Place
Group Place
Time Pace
Min per K
Timber Trail 9K 2370 327 28 41:47.5  4:39
Double O 22.8K 2392 345 30 1:50:08.0  4:57
Mosquito Brook Rd 38.1K 2395 347 32 3:01:53.3  4:41     

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 days till pain....

Well I've sucked at blogging much like I've sucked at skiing this month. My 3 times out since the City of Lakes isn't going to do me much good this Saturday. But not much I can do about that now. New goal, try not to die, or get hypothermia and frostbite (like last year.) At least I have a much more warmer day predicted this year, that will help, a lot.
I wish my family could go up with me to cheer, hopefully next year.
I'm excited to see all my college ski friends, this is the one time a year we get to see each other so we go all out. Should be a fun Saturday night (as long as I'm not still trying to make it too Hayward.)
It's going to be a painful 50 km but I'm pumped. It's the Birkie. It's hard not to feel the fever and excitement, even if it's a slow and painful trip it's worth it just to ski up main street with all those cheering people helping you make it to the finish.

Monday, February 6, 2012

City of Lakes Loppet Race Report

Sunday I raced in the City of Lakes Loppet 17 K freestyle ski race. It normally is 35 K and finishes in Uptown. But because of our serious lack of snow and winter they had to shorten the race to the 3.5 K snowmaking loop at Wirth Park. We did 5 laps. At first I was not at all excited to ski 5 laps, I quit track in high school because I get so bored running around in circles.
However it turned out to be a lot of fun. Tony and the girls were able to see me at least 2 times a lap which was so great. Just seeing there smiling faces cheering me on gave me so much energy to ski another loop.
The snow was pretty terrible. I shouldn't complain because at least there was snow,  I'm very happy about that.
It was pretty much sugary, mash potatoes, 80% of the course, and the rest it was pure ice where skiers had either snow plowed down hills or there skis slip out on the uphills.
I had to really focus on being light on my feet and quick up the hills. I witnessed a lot of crashes but I was lucky to stay on my feet.  I've gotten so much better and more confident at downhills since high school. Now I just go for it full speed ahead. No fear.
It also helped that there was always someone to chase. I was attempted to stay with a guy I knew that was always just up around the next corner. I never got him but I did chase down a U of M skier that I skied pretty much behind for the last 3 laps. I like to beat boys!
So all in all it was a great day. I didn't really have high expectations since I haven't been getting much training in and considering how much beer I drank Friday night and how crappy I felt Saturday (all correlated of course.)
I'm happy with it. I think I'll be running and roller skiing for the next two weeks before the Birkie since there's no snow in the forecast. Such a bummer! At least the Birkie trails seem to have enough snow, I hope that it stays cold enough up there so we don't have to worry about another race getting cancelled or shortened. That would seriously bum me out.
So my stats:
time: 1:05:16
pace: 3:51/k (i was hoping for under 4.)
place: 370 out of 597, 58 out of 143 females, 9 out of 18 in division (30-34)

Now bring on the Birkie!

Monday, January 30, 2012


I have been seriously slacking.... lack of winter and an overabundance of activities have make it been tough on me to get out there and ski. I did spend a great weekend up in Ely with some ski team friends where I got to ski around 20 k. It was FREEZING! But a lot of fun, I finally got to try out my new skis which were incredibly slow because of the -20 degree weather.
And I've just learned that my 35 k race this weekend has been shortened to 5 laps around the 3.3 k snow making loop at Wirth Park. Which is good for me because of my lack of serious training this "winter." The parenthesis are there because, lets be serious, this hasn't really been winter at all, I don't know what it has been, but crappy.
There are 28 days till the Birkie. I need to get my ass in gear, like yesterday. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

so it begins

Well I bought my first performance swimsuit today, including googles and bike shorts. It's official now. I will be doing my first triathlon in June. After talking to a few triathletes this evening it sounds like the race I will be doing is the Buffalo Triathlon in June. I'm nervous and I haven't even signed up yet. Once the Birkie is over I will start Master swim lessons. I'm excited for what's to come.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Races

I just updated my racing schedule for this year. I had a few on there and I realized that I almost had a race a month so I did some searching this morning to make it so I will be doing some sort of race at least one a month from Jan-Oct.
The ski race I'm suppose to do next weekend will get postponed unless they get at least 6 inches of snow so we'll see if that will happen.
Hoping for a fun and fast racing season! I can't wait to start triathlon training once Feb is over.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Is there such a thing as Seasonal Affective Disorder due to lack of snow and winter? Because I think I have it..... I think I will call it LSAD (Lack of Snow Affective Disorder.)
I really think I should stop watching the weather reports because it just puts me in an even deeper funk. GAH!
I really did enjoy my 16 km ski on Saturday, it was beautiful watching the sun rise higher and higher above the trees with ever lap I took. I have much love for the 3 ski areas that have snow making abilities, without you I would cry. A. Lot.
I also got to take Madison to her first day of her ski team yesterday. She did great! There are about 10 other 3-5 year olds in her Level 1 group. She would fall and giggle and then untwist her little legs and get right back up. She even climbed the hill and then told me to ski down with her going "FAST!" Before we ever got there she had told me that she didn't want to go down any hills because she was afraid. I'm so proud of my not so little girl.

Now if only I could get out skiing more than once or twice a week all would be well. At least the Birkie trails seem to have a decent base layer of snow, but if this warm weather keeps up all of the races I signed up for will be cancelled. :(